Visual Basic | Fibonacci Sequence -

Sunday 9 April 2017

Visual Basic | Fibonacci Sequence

We are going to generate Fibonacci sequence in Vb.Fibonacci series is the series in the the first term starts from 0 and next term will be addition of the previous two terms.

we will design the form in which we will take one text box for taking the input up-to which the series will be generated and one command button.

Fibonacci series, Visual Basic
we will write the code under the click event of command button.


Private Sub Command1_Click( )

Dim  n, a, b, c as Integer

n = val(Text1.Text)

  a =0

  b =1

  Print a

  Print b

 For i = 1 To n - 2

    c = a + b

    a = b

    b = c

    Print c

 Next i

End Sub

 1.The program uses if next loop structure.
 2.Dim is used to declared a variable.
 3.Val function is used to change a string to numeric.

Thanks for reading the post.Hope this will help you.If you have any doubts comment on the comment section, we will be happy to help you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks this post helped me in compleating my assignment. Nice work.
